About Us

Welcome! We are so glad you found us!

We never ever thought we would own a 3D printing company, and didn’t exactly set out to open one, but life has a way of leading you down new and unexpected paths sometimes. This is one of those paths for us.

We bought a 3D printer and a laser engraver for Christmas 2021, thinking it would be fun to learn new hobbies. By early spring we were figuring both machines out. We had printed a few things and were just starting to get the hang of them. Our first projects were some engraved wooden spoons and some basic figurines. We also printed a few articulated dragons we found online just to see what all the hype was about.

Ginny volunteered to help a family member sell some woodworking at a craft show in March 2022 and took along the engraved spoons and some dragons to display, assuming they’d be a conversation piece but not expecting anything to come of it. This is where life stepped in! All of the dragons sold out the first day of the show and people were asking for more. A business was born on the drive home that day and we haven’t really looked back since!

The middle half of 2022 has been a whirlwind of learning more about 3D printing, improving our processes, developing a community of makers and most importantly to us, getting to know our customers. Making people smile with our colorful creations has been the absolute best part. We are just getting started, but it feels like we’ve already come so far! Thank you for being part of our journey.

If our products have made you smile, we invite you to leave a comment. If you have a special request for a product, please connect with us. We love custom orders and we love all the colors! The full online store is coming soon.

Bill, Ginny, Leah & Colin Eskildsen

3D printed toys for kids of all ages!
Custom orders for 3D printed projects welcome.